The overall objective of the FIBREGY project is to enable the extensive use of FRP materials in the structure of the next generation of large Offshore Wind and Tidal Power (OWTP) platforms.
In order to achieve this objective, the project will develop, qualify and audit innovative FRP materials for offshore applications, elaborate new design procedures and guidelines, generate efficient production, inspection and monitoring methodologies, and validate and demonstrate advanced software analysis tools.
Iterative engineering methodology of the activities related to the OWTP design and the development of design guidelines
Clear performance indicators will be designed and applied in the evaluation of two existing OWTP concepts to be re-engineered in FRP within the project. Finally, the different technologies generated in FIBREGY will be demonstrated by using advanced simulation techniques and building a real-scale prototype to validate the materials, tools, solutions, procedures and guidelines to be developed in FIBREGY.

The different objectives of the FIBREGY project will be achieved through 6 technical work-packages; market attractiveness, cost-benefit analysis and business plan; fibrebased materials and assembling solutions; Development and validation of computational models; design, engineering and development of guidelines; optimized production procedures; and, technology validation and demonstration.
To ensure the industrial relevance of the project outcomes, the different activities will be focused on two specific offshore energy concepts, targeted as the most promising for the market uptake: Enerocean’s W2Power twin wind turbine platform and Tidetec’s turnable tidal turbine. Anyhow, the experience acquired throughout the project will be generalized to other concepts.
The different objectives of the FIBREGY project will be achieved through 6 technical work-packages; market attractiveness, cost-benefit analysis and business plan; fibrebased materials and assembling solutions; Development and validation of computational models; design, engineering and development of guidelines; optimized production procedures; and, technology validation and demonstration.
To ensure the industrial relevance of the project outcomes, the different activities will be focused on two specific offshore energy concepts, targeted as the most promising for the market uptake: Enerocean’s W2Power twin wind turbine platform and Tidetec’s turnable tidal turbine. Anyhow, the experience acquired throughout the project will be generalized to other concepts.
FIBREGY has conceived an extensive three-tier testing,
validation and demonstration plan, which includes a
comprehensive ‘coupon level’ and mid-scale experimental
campaign, the testing of different large-scale prototypes and
the building of a real-scale demonstrator.
FIBREGY has conceived an extensive three-tier testing, validation and demonstration plan, which includes a comprehensive ‘coupon level’ and mid-scale experimental campaign, the testing of different large-scale prototypes and the building of a real-scale demonstrator.